The Sept 19th Celebration worship service, led by Rev. Talitha, features singing by the choir (!) and a sermon by Clementina Chacon-Garcia.
The Sept 19th Celebration worship service, led by Rev. Talitha, features singing by the choir (!) and a sermon by Clementina Chacon-Garcia.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on September 12th features bell ringing by choir members, a sermon by Rev. Ben Daniel, and the return of Associate Pastor Talitha Aho.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on September 5th features communion, bell ringing by choir members, and a sermon by Rev. Ben Daniel.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 29th features a sermon by Rev Ben, music by Kim Rankin and readings by lay leader Brenda Vallenas.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 22nd features a sermon by Rev Ben, music by Kim Rankin (including hand chimes!) and readings by lay leader Susan Spore.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 15th features a sermon by Rev Ben and readings by lay leader Debbie Fallehy.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 8th will be co-led by Ben and Clementina, and features a sermon by Rev Ben.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 1st features a celebration of August birthdays, communion, and a farewell to long time members the Siegenthaler family.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on July 25th, led by our Ministry Associate Clementina Chacon, featured a sermon by guest preacher Lynn Viale.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on July 18th featured lively music, an invitation to a women’s gathering, and a stirring sermon about living in wonder in response to the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand.