The Sept 26th Celebration worship service, led by Rev. Talitha, features Talitha’s first sermon since returning from maternity leave. Not to be missed!
The Sept 26th Celebration worship service, led by Rev. Talitha, features Talitha’s first sermon since returning from maternity leave. Not to be missed!
The Sept 19th Celebration worship service, led by Rev. Talitha, features singing by the choir (!) and a sermon by Clementina Chacon-Garcia.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on September 12th features bell ringing by choir members, a sermon by Rev. Ben Daniel, and the return of Associate Pastor Talitha Aho.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on September 5th features communion, bell ringing by choir members, and a sermon by Rev. Ben Daniel.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 29th features a sermon by Rev Ben, music by Kim Rankin and readings by lay leader Brenda Vallenas.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 22nd features a sermon by Rev Ben, music by Kim Rankin (including hand chimes!) and readings by lay leader Susan Spore.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 15th features a sermon by Rev Ben and readings by lay leader Debbie Fallehy.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 8th will be co-led by Ben and Clementina, and features a sermon by Rev Ben.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on August 1st features a celebration of August birthdays, communion, and a farewell to long time members the Siegenthaler family.
Montclair Presbyterian Church’s Celebration worship service on July 25th, led by our Ministry Associate Clementina Chacon, featured a sermon by guest preacher Lynn Viale.