Please join us for some totally rad music by the MPC Handchime Ensemble.
Please join us for some totally rad music by the MPC Handchime Ensemble.
Celebration this Sunday at MPC features special music from Brahms and a sermon by Katie Kilby on Jacob’s nighttime tussle with God! (No spoilers here.) We look forward to seeing you in person or online.
This Sunday we will be blessed by Rich Larsen’s violin playing. Also, Pastor Ben will talk about this week’s meeting at MPC with Alameda County DA Pamela Price. Please join us, whether in person or online.
Please join us for Celebration this Sunday, in person or online, to hear Rev. Ben’s take on toxic spirituality: “Let God Deal with Bad Belief.”
This week’s service is brought to us by the Earth Care committee. We’re excited to hear Linnea Gullikson deliver a homily, “Love, Grief, and the Sacred Heart,” among other special treats.
This week in Celebration, join us in person or online for Katie Kilby’s sermon on a difficult passage for progressives to wrap their heads around: “What Do We Do With Paul’s Letter to the Romans?”
On Independence Day weekend, Pastor Ben will be preaching on “God Wants Me To Do What?” Hopefully that What will include participating in celebration at MPC.
It’s Pride Sunday at MPC! Please join us in person or online for this longstanding and joyous celebration of our LGBTQIA+ community.
Please join us in person or online as Rev. Dr. Keith Geckeler preaches on “Whobodies.”
Come and worship with us on Trinity Sunday.