Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 45)

Just-Us Church

One of the most telling differences among individual American churches lies in their approach to the world beyond their doors. In my mind there are two major camps:  the “just-us” churches and the “justice” churches. For some congregations, the “just-us” sort,  interactions with the wider community are strictly limited to their evangelism efforts.  In such churches, members are encouraged to invite their…

Youth Group Garden (work) Party

We had a (work) party in the garden this weekend! For those who do not know, this garden (“Susan’s Seeds” after our previous youth director) was built in 2011 following a youth group mission trip to Portland, OR where they learned a lot about community gardening and food justice. Chris Singer reminded us of the story… during some free time they were…

Michael Chabon Book Talk at MPC

Author Michael ChabonWednesday, October 16th at 7pm, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon will be at MPC, reading from his most recent novel Telegraph Avenue (set right here in Oakland!) and discussing the writing process. We hope you will join us for what is sure to be a fascinating evening.


International Peacemaker Wilhelm Ituralde of Potosi, BoliviaSATURDAY OCTOBER 19th! 9:30-11:30 AM in the Montclair Presbyterian Church “Family Room”. Our Presbyterian International Peacemakers, Wilhelm IIturralde and Chenoa Stock from Bolivia and Ana Maria Mondragon, an attorney for Earth Justice in Colombia will be our guest speakers on these global issues. Come hear the latest update from them.

Silence Still Equals Death

In honor of National Coming Out Day (NCOD), here’s a portion of a chapter from my doctoral thesis, Bringing the Refugees Home: Faith Formation for the Dechurched.  This chapter chronicles some of my own history with HIV/AIDS and my participation in creating the very first National Coming Out Day back in 1988.  For my friends who do not identify as LGBTQQI or…

Are you in the Upper 10%?

gratitudeJoin us for Celebration this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. The Montclair Presbyterian MEN’S choir will be singing and Rev. Melinda will be preaching about the intersection of healing and gratitude.

Hardly Strictly Church

While I love serving churches as a pastor or musician, there are times when it is a real drag to work on Sundays.  Especially when there is a great free music festival like Hardly Strictly Bluegrass happening in Golden Gate Park. (don’t worry, I am going to sneak over to hear some good bands in and around my work schedule!) So I…