Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 46)

Alice McDermott Book Talk at MPC

Alice McDermott's book Someone Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm, award-winning author Alice McDermott will be at MPC discussing her new book Someone. This book, her first novel since the Pulitzer Prize-nominated After This, is a an extraordinary story detailing the joys and pains of an ordinary woman’s life. We hope you will join us for what is sure to be a fascinating evening.

Holy Family Transitions Batman!

One of the things I love best about church life is the opportunity to spend time with both the very young and the very old.  For many folks who are middle-aged like me, this is still a pretty rare thing, because so many community events and organizations are not diverse across generational divides.  It’s also true, especially amongst more affluent folks, that…

Preaching What You Practice

If  you have read any of the posts on my personal blog, you will at once notice that I have written a number of posts on practice. Spiritual practice, musical practice, ethical practice, best practice:  practice, practice, practice!  It certainly seems obvious that a longtime musician is committed to practice, but there is a deeper historical and theological component to my fascination…

Join us for Sunday Celebration!

5.29.2013 Turn the world around
Need a dose of joy and inspiration in your week? Join us for Sunday Celebration at 10:00 a.m. and hear Rev. Melinda’s take on Luke’s parable of the “shrewd” manager in a sermon entitled, “Business Unusual”.

Jazz, Postmodernism, and BBQ

Dear Montclarions (and web-based friends) – This is a shortened version of my statement on ministry that I gave to the personnel committee and Session.  You’ll also notice that I borrowed some of this for my first sermon with you.  Enjoy! The future of the Church is jazz. I first wrote that sentence in 1996 as I was just starting out in…