Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Are you in the Upper 10%?

gratitudeJoin us for Celebration this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.  The Montclair Presbyterian MEN’S choir will be singing and Rev. Melinda will be preaching about the intersection of healing and gratitude.

Here’s a prayer for today:

“Let us pray to the One who holds us
in the hollow of His hands,
To the One who holds us in the curve of Her arms,
To the One whose flesh is the flesh of hills and
hummingbirds and angleworms,
Whose skin is the color of an old Black woman
and a young white man; and the color of the leopard
and the grizzly bear and the green grass snake,
Whose hair is like the aurora borealis, rainbows,
nebulae, waterfalls, and a spider’s web,
Whose eyes sometime shine like the Evening Star,
and then like fireflies, and then again like an open wound,
Whose touch is both the touch of life and the touch of death,
And whose name is everyone’s, but mostly mine.
And what shall we pray?
Let us say, ‘thank you.'”

Reverend Max Coots is the Minister Emeritus of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Canton, New York. © Max Coots.