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Day Two: Burning Marshmallows and Body Wisdom

Family Camp Morning Program 'Play' Sign

Melinda McLain at Family CampWhen we gathered this morning for the first day of the program, we were met by tie-dye letters spelling out “Welcome to Playspace”. Our presenter, Melinda McClain of Interplay (shown at right), was setting a tone: be ready to be experimental, playful, even goofy. Throughout the morning, she led us through various intriguing, active, and often strange exercises to help us get more in touch with our physical selves: where we are, what we need, and what new behavior patterns we want to develop. I’m very curious to see what happens in program tomorrow morning.

Family Camp Ice Cream SocialAfternoons at Family Camp are often a free-for-all, but today was a bit different: the families staying in cabins (as opposed to tent camping) invited everyone to drop by for “Burning Marshmallow”. In this oddly-named activity, each cabin offers something different to visitors: ice cream, dart games, Tai Chi demonstrations, card games, and even portrait photography. It’s our version of “Burning Man” (hence the name) except that ours has the distinct advantages of not requiring tattoos or driving into the desert. The ice cream did melt incredibly fast, though. 🙂

Still on the horizon: this evening, the below-20 crowd are playing Capture the Flag in the dark, with teams identified by glow bracelets. Tune in tomorrow for details…
(posted by Steve McKiernan)