Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Day One: Welcome, Campers!

Hello from Lake Tahoe!
Camp Richardson CabinsSchool is out, summer is here, which means it’s time for MPC Family Camp. In case you don’t know much about MPC Family Camp, here’s the quick version: for over 20 years, a large number of MPC members and friends have gathered for a week at Camp Richardson in South Lake Tahoe. Typically, we have a morning program that often (but not always) has a spiritual theme; this is followed by group activities, hiking, biking, and lots of time on the beach (but not very much in the lake itself — it’s cold!). It’s a great way to build community and enjoy the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe.

Family Camp Dessert Potluck and Nametag MakingAt this moment, I’m sitting outside the Camp Richardson lodge; it’s the only reliable wi-fi for a mile or so. We’ve just had our first regular Family Camp event: a Dessert Potluck, held in the campground that we use as a regular ‘meeting place’ for a wide range of Family Camp activities, including the morning program. Tonight’s potluck featured plenty of strawberries, cookies, pie, and catching up. There was a new wrinkle tonight as well: we were given paints & markers and invited to create our own nametags. We’re off to a great start, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning.
(posted by Steve McKiernan)