Our February 6th Celebration features a sermon from Rev Ben, special singing for February birthdays, and communion. Hope to see you in person or online.
Our February 6th Celebration features a sermon from Rev Ben, special singing for February birthdays, and communion. Hope to see you in person or online.
Our January 30th Celebration features music from Kim (our music director) and Marcia (our organist) and a sermon by Rev Ben. Hope to see you in person or online.
Our January 23rd Celebration features a sermon by Rev Ben and meditative Taize-style music. Join us in person or online!
Our January 16th Celebration features comforting and inspiring Taize-style music and a sermon from Rev. Ben. Join us in person or online!
Our January 9th Celebration features Taize music and a sermon from Rev. Talitha. Join us in person or online!
Our January 2nd Celebration will feature music from the MPC choir and a sermon from guest preacher Rev. Keith Geckeler. Join us!
Our December 26th Celebration features music from the choir and a sermon from Rev Ben. Join us!
Christmas Eve at Montclair Presbyterian Church is a wonderful experience of community, song and inspiration.
Our Celebration for the fourth Sunday of Advent features music from the choir and Talitha’s reflection on the children’s Advent art show.
Our celebration of Advent continues on December 12th with music from the choir and a prelude performed by the MPC brass quartet.