This Sunday at MPC, Rev. Ben ties together John the Baptist, George W. Bush, Fred Rogers, and his own father, all in one sermon! We hope you’ll join us in person or online.
This Sunday at MPC, Rev. Ben ties together John the Baptist, George W. Bush, Fred Rogers, and his own father, all in one sermon! We hope you’ll join us in person or online.
Welcome to Christ the King Sunday at Montclair Presbyterian Church! On this final pre-Advent Sunday, Katie Kilby preaches on the origins of this liturgical day and its key to envisioning peace amid today’s turbulence. Please join us in person or online.
This week in Celebration, Rev. Ben wrestles with the difficult parable of the 10 bridesmaids from Matthew 25. We look forward to worshiping with you in person or online.
This week in Celebration, we joyfully welcome Rev. Ben back to the pulpit following his sabbatical. We hope you can join us in person or online!
Please join us in Celebration this Sunday as Dr. Keith Geckeler preaches from the 9th chapter of Mark. We look forward to seeing you in person or online!
This week in Celebration, Katie continues her sermon series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Please join us!
Today is Kick-Off Sunday at MPC! We’ll recognize the important work of our amazing groups and committees, and hear special music from the MPC Handchimes Ensemble and our own in-house rock-n-roll band, The Ruling Elders! For those joining in person, swing by the Family Room after Celebration to learn more about how to get involved at our Kick-Off Sunday Committee Fair!
As Rev. Ben kicks off his sabbatical, please join us online or in person as we welcome Rev. Riana Shaw Robinson to the pulpit, and enjoy the beloved Barrelhouse Jazz Band!
Friends, please join us in person or online as we enjoy the music of Tactus and a sermon from Rev. Ben about the miracles of joy and hope that sustain us: “Take a Few Risks.”
Celebration this Sunday at MPC features special music from Brahms and a sermon by Katie Kilby on Jacob’s nighttime tussle with God! (No spoilers here.) We look forward to seeing you in person or online.