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Posts by Ben Daniel (Page 7)

The 224 General Assembly (2020) of the PC(USA)

Friends, I wanted to give you an update on how Montclair Presbyterian Church is engaging in the life of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA). In December and in January our church, through an action of the session, sent two overtures to the General Assembly petitioning the Presbyterian Church to call upon Presbyterians to listen to the better angels of our denomination…

Can You Just Imagine?

Friends, On Saturday I came across a bit of amazing and tantalizing information in the novel Flights by the Polish Nobel Laureate Olga Tokarczuk. In the book, the protagonist makes reference to a certain race of people called Blemij (also known as “Blemmyes”), who look like humans in every way except that they don’t have heads. Instead, they have faces on their…

Would We Lock them Up?

Friends, I don’t know if you have had a chance to see it or not, but a nativity display at a Methodist church in Southern California has been getting a lot of attention lately, because it depicts the Holy Family separated and placed in detention, in cells made of chain link fencing. I really like the display. It reminds us of an…

Take more walks!

Dear Friends, On Monday I went for a walk,or, since I read a lot of Sallinger in my formulative years and I’m writing instead of speaking this, it might be more accurate to say that on Monday I went for a walk. It wasn’t planned. Anne is out of town, I took my kids to school and then dropped my car off…

Giving Thanks

Friends, By way of giving you a preview of the next sermon I’ll be preaching, let me say that November is an interesting month in that it plays host both to the day we Americans set aside for giving thanks, and Veterans Day, which originally was set aside to commemorate the end of the 20th century’s first global war. Most of us…

Dear Oakland A’s: let’s celebrate teachers!

Printed below is an open letter I’ll be sending to the Oakland A’s. I expect similar letters to be sent to the Bay Area’s other professional teams in the near future. —Ben Dear Oakland A’s, Now that the World Series is underway, my mind is turning once more to baseball. My interest in the contest between the Astros and the Nationals is…

Should we care about birds?

Friends, I have a world-class theological education, but there are certain responsibilities that fall unto me as a pastor about which I did not learn in Seminary. One such task in the removal of dead birds, especially when bidden by the detractor of a preschool. Montclair Presbyterian Church is the second congregation I’ve served that has a preschool onsite, and in both…

Three Cheers for Poetry and Poets

Dear Friends, On Wednesday of last week, Peter Pomerantsev—an English author about whom I had no prior knowledge—came to give an author talk in the Family Room at MPC. I attended the author talk because the subject matter looked interesting: propaganda. The author began his adult life as a producer of reality TV shows in Russia. During his tenure behind what once…

Faith, Grief, and Hope

Friends, In my sermon a couple of weeks ago I mentioned a conversation between Anderson Cooper and Stephen Colbert that had been making the social media rounds. I was moved by the interview, which talks of faith and grief and hope. I wish the world was filled with more conversations like this. If more people spoke together with this kind of honesty…