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Posts by adminMpc (Page 78)

Edible Garden

UPCOMING: Saturday, Oct. 22nd: Work Day for the Youth Group. We will build raised beds for the new garden and hopefully will even start planting new vegetables!

The garden has been readied in a very short time. On Sunday, Oct. 9th the youth group weeded, dug, hoed, raked, and leveled the ground for our new edible, organic garden. A roughly 10’x30′ plot was ready in just about an hour. What energy they had!
The senior high youth group members came back from their mission trip in Portland, Oregon, fired up about food justice. Instead of just donating cans of food to local needs, they wanted to work hands-on to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to people in need.

Surveying the mess

Valuing Our Youth

Do you remember being a teenager? It seems adults fall into two categories usually. Either we have done our best to try and forget what it was like being a teenager and leaving it all in the past or we spend too much time trying to re-live those days despite being many years past them. I am in the former category. When…

Good people helping others

It all started when I attended a “Guild for Psychological and Religious Studies” seminar on comparison of “The Records” (of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) with about 20 others, mostly ministers. One of the ministers took me informally under his wing, Walter Wink. He suggested I try a church in “east Oakland”: MPC, where he knew a few members. I first attended…

Carpe Diem!

If you were to die suddenly tomorrow, would you be content with how you have lived your life? Are you doing what you want to be doing? Are you loving well and thoroughly the people you want to love and have you made peace with those from whom you are estranged? Are you listening for the rustlings of the Spirit and following…

Feeding one another

…What is YOUR food?
…What is your native cuisine?
…If I invite you over for lunch… what would you like to eat?

On World Communion Sunday (10/2) we celebrated communion with different kinds of bread from all over the world. When we do this, we are remembering the mystical words of the Apostle Paul: “Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf” (I Cor 10:17)… remembering that the act of sharing communion with one another binds us with Christians across the world who participate in the same meal.
One way to express this, tangibly, is by using communion wafers. Those are the same everywhere you go (and if they taste like cardboard, at least it’s the same cardboard). The opposite way of expressing it is what we did — using EVERY kind of bread available, and declaring (in spite of your senses telling you otherwise) that these breads, which are many and diverse, are actually one and the same. The logic here can confound you… or it can be a wonderful mystery.

Celebration of Life

On Sunday, October 9th, the MPC community and friends far and wide will gather for a celebration of the life of Virginia Hadsell, who died September 17th. She was an integral part of MPC, known for leading years of annual study tours, and a prominent leader in our Global Concerns committee. Please join us Sunday 10/9 at 2 PM.

What's Going On Out There?

The Wall Street protest has piqued my curiosity. On the one hand, I am relieved to see people finally taking to the streets to say, “Enough is enough.” On the other hand, I am not sure what is being protested other than the bleak state of our country and our economy in general. It would have made sense to me if the…

October 2nd festivities

Celebration on October 2nd is going to be one you won’t want to miss. A lot of fun things are happening, all at the same time!
First: in tune with the global church, we celebrate World Communion Sunday with breads of the world. If you want to bring traditional bread from your culture, contact Marilee Bailey. Or, dress in the traditional clothes of your country of origin (or a country near to your heart).