Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 6)

Is the World About to Turn?

As we get ready to come close to the mystery of Christmas, there are always some parts of the story that hit home. And it’s amazing how this can change from year to year. In recent years I remember grappling with refugee issues, as children around the world died (and continue to die) in humanitarian crises. The stories of King Herod  at…

Lessons learned . . .

Dear friends, At the beginning of the youth group retreat (a week and a half ago, now), it came to pass that we were stopping in our cars and vans, organizing a caravan, most-but-not-quite-all of the way to our cabins in Cazadero… when lo and behold, my own head and a car door met one another in mid-air, and each caught the…

Tough times: emergency supply kits and cough drops

Dear friends, I wrote a sermon about getting through tough times this Sunday, but I didn’t know exactly how tough they were about to be. It was just about twelve hours after I preached that sermon, when firestorms started raging north of us. The smoke woke many of us up in the middle of that night. Our hearts ache for loved ones…

A Love Poem for YOU!

Dear friends,   I wrote you a poem about Love. It’s a little long and it doesn’t rhyme, and this isn’t the sort of thing I usually do so I feel a little out of my element… but more than one of you answered my sermon about Love this week by sending me poetry, so I thought I’d send another one back…

What’s your theodicy?

Dear friends, I’ve been out of the office with a cold and am just getting back into the swing of things, so today’s contact piece is brief. However, it is heavy on my heart to say something about the massive storms, earthquakes, and fires that have been devastating communities in our country and around the world. Natural disasters are faith-challenging experiences. A…

Are you a minister?

Dear friends, When I send reminders to our nursery volunteers or Godly Play teachers, I usually include a little sentence like “thank you for your ministry with our young ones.” We believe that Godly Play is as important as Celebration – that it is just another form of worshiping God – and though the nursery may fly under the radar it is…

Mission trip and mission month

Dear friends, I’m in LA with the youth group (pray for us!) on a mission trip. It’s been a busy 2 weeks with 2 trips in a row. Check out our evolving photo album from Tahoe on Flickr: I want to make sure everyone knows about an upcoming theme for the month of August. We will be focusing on local mission…

My Spirit Soared

Many of you were there on Sunday to hear our incredible choir, plus Anne Daniel and guest musicians, bring us a real treat. With pieces by Mozart and Haydn, they made our spirits soar… or at least, I’ll speak for myself – my spirit certainly soared on their musical wings! But there were two more treats for us on Sunday – one…

Kitten Theology

Big news in the family (actually, tiny news): we’ve got kittens! Itsy-bitsy little babies, and five of them. The two bigger ones, about six weeks old, are at the Aho house right now, learning how to climb couches and destroy shoelaces. Michael and I are fostering them now, with about a 90% chance we’ll adopt them too. The three littlest ones are…

The dilemma of an unexpected great gift

Dear friends, Have you ever been given such a great gift that you hardly knew what to do with it? This week in Celebration, Kristin talked about the gift of a (literal) bucket full of food when she was hungry, and during the weeks to come you will be hearing more stories from church members as part of our stewardship season. Here’s…