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Posts by adminMpc (Page 4)

To hug or not to hug: MPC’s Safe Church policy

Dear church family, It’s time for some big thanks! A few people have been working hard behind the scenes to produce an important document. It’s taken a lot of labor. Though many of you contributed, the central organizers were Jim Allardice and Cindy Gullikson, and at long last we have produced MPC’s Safe Church Policy. We’re proud to say that it was…

Maintaining Hope (in times of despair)

Dear church family, Many of us spent last weekend up at the beautiful Ralston-White retreat center, among the trees and under the stars, enjoying our annual Women’s Retreat. Thanks are due to Jean Roggenkamp, Margaretha Derasery, and Gloria Alexander for their leadership on this amazing weekend, as well as the many people who shared talents and time to build a weekend full…

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Dear Friends, This has been a particularly good week to be a Presbyterian in the Bay Area. We had a visit from the co-moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA). What’s a moderator?  In our system of governance, the office of moderator is something like adding together the roles of a President plus a Pope, minus infallibility, and divided into two people as…

Kicking Off Fall Programming

Dear friends, The summer is coming to a close, and we’re gearing up for an exciting few weeks as we begin September. What’s coming up? The Barrelhouse Jazz Band, a chance to march in Oakland Pride, and Kickoff Sunday (also known as “bring your tools to church” Sunday) all lead up to the start of our church’s fall programs, from Youth Group…

N! Y! C!: Youth Mission Trip 2018

Dear friends, I’ve just landed back in the office after our youth mission trip and the accompanying recovery period of days off. What a trip it was! Fourteen youth went with me, Debbie Fallehy, and Jim Allardice. I’m still exhausted! In lieu of a written contact today, here are some pictures (worth a thousand words each, etc) that show some of the…

Notes from General Assembly, PCUSA

Dear friends, Many of us are back from the shores of Lake Tahoe where we spent a week. During that week, a lot of other things happened in the world. Our church’s national gathering, the General Assembly of the PCUSA, took some important votes. I don’t pretend to have all the news on it — I’m still catching up, but here are…

Christian Diversity and the Supreme Court

Dear friends, This week has been a busy one for the news. It’s hard to know what to say about the Supreme Court case handed down this week which everyone hastens to say is “not as bad as it seems” – the case of the baker who wouldn’t bake for a gay wedding – so I’ll focus not on the actual case…

Pentecost Celebration! New members & baptisms

It was an exciting honor, this past week, to get to welcome five new members and baptize five people. Neither Ben nor I had ever baptized so many people at once and it felt almost like a mass baptism. At youth group that night we got a little sidetracked talking about how the early church might have managed the mass baptisms on…

How is God calling you to grow?

We know it’s been said that every blade of grass has an angel above it whispering “grow! grow!” but in the lovely month of May, with things bursting into life on all sides, those angels’ whispers are often bold enough that one might almost hear them without the aid of imagination. It’s growing time! And the soft words of divine encouragement weave…

YG Mission Trip fundraiser

SUPPORT OUR YOUTH GROUP: EAT LUNCH! Yes, for a simple donation ($10 suggested, any amount welcome) this week, May 6th, you can enjoy a delicious BBQ lunch after church and support the youth’s annual mission trip. This year they are going to New York City where they will serve in the “four star soup kitchen,” help out at rooftop gardens, provide food…