Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

From the Pastor’s Pen


During the nine years I have lived in Oakland and worked as a pastor at Montclair Presbyterian Church I have felt a little bit lonely for ecumenical friendships. In my prior churches I had good friendships with the pastors who served the churches near mine, but here in Oakland that hasn’t really happened for me. I know a Scott Denman up the street at St. John’s Episcopal Church and I’ve met a few pastors during my various flirtations with activism, but I really haven’t developed a lot of friendships with other pastors in Oakland.

I’m happy to say that’s starting to change.

Thanks in large measure to the ecumenical efforts of Calvin Sodestrom, the pastor of Park Boulevard Presbyterian Church, a group of pastors is starting to meet. These pastors include two Lutherans, two Presbyterians, an Episcopalian, a Roman Catholic, and an American Baptist; during Lent we’ll be inviting folks from our congregations to a series of events in which we’ll have an opportunity to learn about each other’s traditions.

It is a fact that during 30 years of pastoral ministry the question I have been asked most frequently has been: “What is the difference between Presbyterians and other Christian churches?” If you’ve ever wondered about that, you will have the opportunity to learn part of that answer by finding out a little more about your friends who attend Lutheran, Episcopal, Roman Catholic, and American Baptist Churches.

The classes will be held Wednesday evenings at 7PM during Lent. The exact schedule will be forthcoming. Watch this space for more information!

God’s Peace,


P.S. I imagine some of you will be wondering why I haven’t mentioned our faith trio when I speak of my ecumenical experiences here in Oakland. I’ve not mentioned the faith trio because there is a difference between “interfaith” work and “ecumenical” work. The former relates to relationships between people of different religious traditions and the latter relates to relationships within the Christian family. Both kinds of work are vitally important, but they are different.

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JOIN US on Wednesday, February 22 at 7PM for an Ash Wednesday Taizé Service. Details below

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