Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

From the Pastor’s Pen


I hope you will take some time while reading this week’s Contact to make note of the information on our Winter weekend retreat at Mission San Antonio in the Santa Lucia Mountains.

So far, these seasonal retreats have been profoundly moving for me. The ability to revisit the same sacred place in the heat of summer and in the transitional weather of fall and to reflect on the various stages of life has been profoundly moving for me, and I am eager to experience the place in winter and spring.

Part of our work together has been to find a special spot that we revisit in the different seasons. My spot is a Cottonwood tree. I’m sharing photos of my tree in summer and fall. I look forward to showing you the winter photos when I get back.

Or better yet, I’ll show you my tree in person if you will join us. We still have several spaces left and everyone is most welcome.

God’s Peace,    
