Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Youth Group Reminders

I’ve been out sick for a few days. I’m back to work today, but too late to get a regular piece written for Contact. If you call me, you can hear my nice baritone voice on the phone – the remnants of the cold I’m getting over.

I’ll use this slot to get in a quick reminder for Youth Group members and families however —
This Sunday is our Christmas Party! Wear your best Christmas sweaters, hats, antlers, or haloes… bring an inexpensive gift for the gift-exchange game… and be ready to SING. We begin at 5:30pm with study hall in the Family Room, followed by a 6:30pm pasta dinner (you can bring a side dish if you want, or just come… gluten-free is available), and from 7-9pm there will be games, singing, etc.

Thanks for your patience, while I took these much-needed sick days. May you all be healthy.
Blessings, Talitha