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Connection between World Cup Soccer and Fruitvale Food Pantry?


Fruitvale Food Pantry
World Cup Food Drive

One might ask, what has one to do with the other? At MPC, the Hunger Action Working Group is using the upcoming World Cup Soccer playoffs to raise food donations, some of which go to our partner, the food pantry at the former Fruitvale Presbyterian Church. This program was started years ago, and while the church no longer functions at the site, former members are continuing to host a twice-monthly food pantry for local people in need. Montclair Presbyterian Church members started helping out with volunteer support and some canned food donations about two years ago. Beyond food donations, organizers still have to purchase the difference in food from the Alameda County Community Food Bank. That is why we’re hoping the World Cup competition can give a powerful boost of “fun-raising” to our food drive! The person(s) who successfully pick the ultimate winning team, by “voting” with their canned food donations, will receive a prize. This is a classic win-win operation – we help neighborhood people in need, and by sharing our bounty and our hearts we are enriched. At the last Saturday pantry, one man said, somewhat embarrassed as he took the produce, “This is my first time here.” Our response was “Welcome.”


Friday Night Meals at College Ave Presbyterian Church

Rockridge Beacons Serve

In February and May MPC members hosted two dinners for 85 local people, approximately half of whom are urban poor (with a place to live, but very limited income), and the other half being homeless. The church, which was designed in 1917 by Julia Morgan, sponsors a sit-down, hot meal each Friday night, as provided by different volunteer organizations. While the effort to provide these meals is complex, again, the return for those involved is unmatched. The February meal was provided by the MPC Youth Group and the May meal was provided by the Rockridge Beacons of MPC. We look forward to other MPC Beacon or committee groups helping this very worthwhile local hunger service.