Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Join Us on September 1st to Welcome Rev. Dr. Melinda McLain!

The Personnel Committee is pleased to announce that the Rev. Dr. Melinda McLain will be our Temporary Supply Pastor, effective Tuesday, August 27, 2013. Melinda is no stranger to MPC. Melinda was the speaker for MPC Family Camp in 2012. She is a UCC minister who has served UCC, Presbyterian, and Congregational churches as an interim minister. She is also a musician, non-profit consultant, educator, and retreat leader. She has a B.A. in Music from Rice University, an M.Div. from SFTS, and a D.Min. from Drew University.

Melinda’s statement of faith begins with this sentence, “The future of the Church is jazz.” She concludes by saying, “Ministry happens in a myriad of mysterious ways. Some are planned and others improvised within the amazing solidarity of a community moving forward in a good jazz ‘groove’.” How perfect that Melinda’s first Sunday with Montclair Presbyterian Church is September 1 when the Barrelhouse Jazz Band will play! Join us on Labor Day Sunday to welcome Melinda to the MPC community!