Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.


Sunday, June 2nd, is going to be quite the Extravaganza!  Join us first for Celebration at 10 am.  Three weeks ago, 9 people in our congregation were given money.  Real money that we are calling Talents, from the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25.  Their charge was to go and do something great with their Talents.  We will hear the 9 stories and see how or if they were able to multiply their Talents!  We will also celebrate communion together, a time in which are welcome and invited to the Feast.  For music we have Tom Dambley’s Jazz Band and our children and youth singing with the Adults to a tune that will stay with you for weeks.  We will hear on update on the end to our stewardship drive and get a sense for how we are doing for our budget for 2013-2014.

 As if Celebration weren’t enough, immediately following Celebration we will have our Annual Committee Fair and BBQ.  Come one, come all and learn more about the exciting ministries happening at Montclair Presbyterian Church!  The BBQ is free, you don’t have to bring anything other than your appetite, and all are welcome!  Come and join in the fun!