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Godly Play Training!

You are Invited to come, experience it. Yes, you!
The children and Youth Committee at MPC is offering an in-house Godly Play training on Saturday, August 4, from 9a.m.-12p.m. While we are encouraging all of our storytellers and greeters to participate in this training, including those who may want to explore participating in the future, it is equally important to us that everyone in the congregation be invited to attend the training. We believe in the power of Godly Play as a spiritual practice and would like you to know that you are welcome to attend without any further commitment. Maybe you’re a parent or a grandparent with a younger child, not yet a part of the Godly Play program and you’re curious to come and experience it for yourself? Or maybe, you’ve sat in wonder on a Sunday morning as our young ones are dismissed and you’d like the chance to see what goes on upstairs? Maybe you’ve taught in a more traditional Church School program before or attended one growing up and are curious to see how teaching philosophies around Christian nurture have grown and changed since “back in the day?” We invite you to come… curiosity, wonder, or a simple willingness to be opened to an experience of intentional time with God… all are welcome.

What is Godly Play?
Godly Play teaches children the art of using Christian language—parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action—helping children become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. When Christian language is learned by the Godly Play approach, it is learned as a means to know God and to make meaning of our lives. This approach is quite different from the traditional model in which a teacher tells children what they need to know. Godly Play is not about things that are simple or about learning lessons or keeping children entertained. Godly Play is about locating each lesson in the whole of the Christian story and involving the creative process to discover the depths of meaning for individuals. Godly Play is about learning how each of the stories of God’s people connects with the child’s own experience and relationship with God. The goal of Godly Play is to show how to be open to the Holy Spirit, the Creator and the Redeemer all at once and all the time in every place.

Discover Godly Play from the inside out.
There are a lot of things you can learn from a lecture, but Godly Play is best learned from the inside out. And this is what takes place at Godly Play training events. You will experience and learn Godly Play stories in the collegial, prayerful setting of The Circle. Godly Play Foundation’s talented Trainer will deepen your understanding of children’s spirituality while guiding you on a personal journey of wonder that will inspire first-timers and experienced teachers alike. By exploring the fundamental foundations of a Godly Play classroom with us, you will improve teaching skills, learn more about what we are providing our children at MPC, and leave spiritually refreshed. Prior experience with Godly Play is helpful but not necessary—all that is absolutely required is a sense of wonder and play. For the benefit of the entire Circle, we ask participants to attend the full training.

Please join us! There is no charge. To register, simply email Rev. Katie ( to let her know you are planning on being there.