Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Day Six: The End is Near

Today was the last day of the morning program for kids and adults. Since it was the final session, both groups split their time between having fun and reflecting back on the week. For the youth, that meant playing baseball, making portraits in the ground, and telling mythical stories about their week at Family Camp. The adults continued working with leading/following, but this time with vocalization included. If you had dropped by during the session, you might have been a bit concerned about all the noises we were making: singing, humming, growling, barking, mooing… just another day at morning program. 🙂

Communion at Family Camp 2012Since many Family Campers head home either late today or first thing tomorrow, we held ‘closing circle’ right after morning program. In typically MPC style, it was a loose association of songs, communion (with bread & grape juice), giving thanks, and a group photo. The final song was a “round” version of “Go Now in Peace”– the tune we typically use to ‘sing the youth out’ of morning program. This time, we formed a circle, sent the song around a few times, let it fade out, and we were done. Have to admit, it was sad to walk away from the now-empty gathering place. It’s been a good week.

Lake Tahoe Seen Through Trees 2012Of course, the day wasn’t entirely done, as individuals and groups went off to enjoy the afternoon in their own way. Some brave folks biked to Angora Lake, undeterred by the fact that the trip includes 1000 ft. of climbing (yikes!). Others spent time hanging out one last time by the lake, going on less strenuous bike rides, or just soaking up the sunny weather. And I’m willing to bet that a few of them — me, at least — are already looking forward to next year’s Family Camp.