Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Sermons (Page 51)


Karen Stokes will reflect on recent actions on ordination rights for lesbian and gay Presbyterians, including SF Presbytery’s vote to ordain Lisa Larges at its meeting on November 10.

All Saints Day

All Saints Day with an ofrenda for Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) as we give thanks for those who have gone before.

Sweep of God's History

In Psalm 90, the psalmist prays that God will “establish the work of our hands,” even as he acknowledges the transient nature of human life. Karen Stokes will preach on our moment in time and our place in the great sweep of God’s history.

Social Justice

The last of the series on the purpose of the church will be about our work for justice, the “promotion of social righteousness.” Karen Stokes will preach, sharing some of the work our social justice committees have been doing on a Global Vision Statement and new ways of energizing our work together.

Shelter, Nuture, Fellowship

Karen Stokes continues the series on the purpose of the church as she speaks on Hospitality: “The shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God.”