Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Sermons (Page 28)

Why Can’t You be More Like Your Sister?

With the help of children and the Montclair Family Choir Talitha Phillips, (Coordinator for Children, Youth, and Family Life) reflects on the story of Mary and Martha seeking understanding of how the Spirit can empower us to be our true selves. Scripture: Luke 10:38-42

The Church and Ivory Soap

Guest preacher Rev. Keith Geckeler discusses the battles over “purity” within the Protestant church — both the historical underpinnings and God’s call to rise above discord and do good in the world.

Loving Creativity

Rev. Ben Daniel discusses the way that creativity can be seen as an expression of the image of God — but also how it calls us to apply that creative energy to the problems of the world.

Loving Knowledge

Continuing his series on being a thoughtful Christian, Rev. Daniel talks about the value of cultivating knowledge and wisdom; found in scripture and continuing throughout church history. Reminding the listener of the role that learning has played in our own traditions, he speaks to several current issues illustrating the essential importance of knowledge for the thoughtful Christian today. Scripture: Proverbs 8

God's Politics

Rev. Ben Daniel discusses the PCUSA’s recent decision to divest from three companies doing business with Israel, connecting it to the wider issue of politics and religion, and how the spirit guides us towards engagement with the world.

Learning From What is Old

In a week in which the news is about the detention of unaccompanied, undocumented immigrant children, Rev. Daniel responds to people “using the language of heaven” to justify this tragedy, draws on archetypal, mythic language to bring perspective and calls upon the thoughtful Christian to use such language when addressing such issues. Scripture Matthew 4:1-11

Learning From What Is New

In the context of Presbyterian Church (USA) recent decisions permitting  pastors to perform same-gender marriages and on the occasion of Pride Week in the larger community, Rev. Daniel recognizes the leadership this congregation has taken on these issues and offers “in Evangelical English” the reasons why he supports these decisions. Scripture – Psalm 8

Its a Mystery

Rev. Daniel talks about “thin places” in the world where people feel a spiritual presence and the importance for Christians to be open to mystery. Scripture Matthew 28:16-20

Say What?

Scripture Acts 2:1-21 On Pentecost Sunday Rev Daniel looks at the first Pentecost and sees a call to the church of today to practice a faith that transcends borders.