Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Sermons (Page 27)

Where Is Your Robe?

Mixing metaphors about Journeys and Banquets Rev. Ben Daniel speaks about “putting on new robe” as we are  changed by an invitation to the feast.

Apocalypse 2.0

Rev. Daniel draws upon the book of Revelation (21:1-7), not as predictor of the end times,  but for its poetic vision of a new Heaven and a new Earth, teaching us to be impatient and to long for a different world as Children of God.

But Is It Fair?

Rev. Ben Daniel discusses Matthew 20 1:16 (the parable of the vineyard) and its message about the nature of fairness, and why it’s better to be generous of heart and open to undeserved joy.

Peaceful Connections

Rev. Ben Daniel draws connections between the International Day of Peace and climate change, showing how we are called to take action against the latter in order to truly achieve the former.

Forgive Us Our Debts

On Kickoff Sunday, Pastor Ben Daniel discusses’ the Bible’s call for forgiveness, the way this theme has played out nationally over the past ten years, and the personal and societal price we pay when we do not forgive.

Choosing Sides

Rev. Ben Daniel discusses the various interpretations of Jesus’ welcoming of children (Matthew 18:1-5): as a reminder of the purity of childhood, or of the humble position children hold in the world, or as a reminder to welcome children into our midst and into worship.

A Tale of Two Rocks

Looking at the book of Matthew as a literary work Rev. Daniel observes that the events portrayed in today’s scripture fall mid-way in the author’s recounting of Jesus’ adult ministry and represent a turning point. Looking at the key figure, Peter the “Rock”, Rev. Daniel challenges the listener to consider how this example might inform Christians today.

The Spirit and the Dry Bones

Guest speaker, Rev. Dr. George Cummins, Pastor of Imani Community Church in Oakland speaks about the hurt and anger he experiences when White Police Shoot Black Men and looks to the prophet Ezekiel to inspire a faith response. Ezekiel 37:1-10

We Can Change

With many crises in the world today it can be difficult to find signs of hope. Rev. Daniel looks to the example of Jesus, who in today’s scripture is clearly shown to have changed his mind. From here Rev. Daniel arrives at the hopeful title of the sermon “We Can Change”. Scripture: Matthew 15:10-28