Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Sermons (Page 25)

Blessed Are The Greeks

Rev. Ben discusses John 12:20-33, focusing on Jesus’ joy at meeting the “outsiders” of the day, and how it relates to our current attempts to be as inclusive as possible, for the greater glory of God.

Snakes on a Plain

Talitha Phillips preaches about the snakes of Numbers 21: how the story calls us to face our pain to start the healing process, and the dangers of turning our pain, instead of salvation, into an idol.

A Generous Faith

Rev. Daniel talks about defining ones faith as progressive Christians in positives – of learning to live a “Generous Faith”. Scripture: John 2: 13-22

Human Failure

Rev. Ben discusses human failure: how it sometimes becomes unexpected success, and how it helps us gain compassion for others, encouraging us to be with them, as God is, in their suffering.

Healing the Whole

Rev. Ben discusses the ways that Jesus’ healing stories are about restoring the whole person, and challenges us to see our connections to the earth and how we must take part in, and responsibility for, its healing.

Going Fishing

Rev. Ben discusses the church’s Calvinist roots, focusing on the “doctrine of vocation”, showing it to be not only a great equalizer but also an invitation to everyone, everywhere, to do the work they have been called to do for the greater glory of God.

In the Beginning

Rev. Ben discusses the new beginnings described at the start of the Gospel of Mark, relating it to our need to respond to violence at home and abroad with love and grace, helping make a new beginning for our world.