Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Sermons (Page 21)

Water of Ignorance, Wine of Redemption

On Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, Rev. Ben tackles the issue of white privilege — including white ignorance of inequality — and how we should strive to ensure that all are equally privileged and aware.

Named and Renamed

Rev. Talitha Phillips discusses the naming and baptism of Jesus, asking us to relate it to the names we have been given (liked or disliked) and to ponder the name that God gives us. Then everyone was sprinkled with water!

Foreigners in Bethlehem

Rev Ben discusses Matthew’s story of Mary and Joseph, drawing out how it encourages us to move into new places, but also how it calls us to fully welcome refugees and foreigners.

Preparing a Way

Rev. Ben Daniel looks to the life and death of John the Baptist to assist our insight to the christian response to violence in the world. Scripture Luke 3:1-6

Champagne With You

Rev. Ben Daniel, in full kilt, tackles the apocalypse, challenging us to see the message as it was originally intended: as a message of hope in a world made new.

Work Hard, Rest Hard

Rev. Talitha Phillips calls us to make room for Sabbath — a time to unplug, slow down, and enrich our souls and lives — in our overbusy world, particularly as we prepare to enter the season of Advent.

Mighty Mite

Rev. Ben Daniel discusses the story of the “Widow’s Mite”, connecting it to a wider issue: do we give of ourselves, and our resources, in a way that makes the world more righteous, peaceful, and whole?