Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Sermons (Page 14)


On Immigration Sunday, Rev. Ben ponders the Biblical call to aid the refugee and immigrant, and how that should shape our personal and societal actions.

Youth Mission Trip 2017

MPC Youth talk about their experiences during the most recent Mission Trip to Los Angeles: helping the homeless, meeting with gang intervention groups, and visiting an LGBT support center. For photos from the trip, visit the MPC Facebook Page.

The Humble Trinitarian

Rev. Ben Daniel preaches on the need for humility: easy to achieve in awe-inspiring natural spaces, but harder in our fractured and often violent communities. The way forward may be to focus on our shared, but on the surface absurd, belief in the Trinity.

Stargazers No More

Rev. Talitha preaches on Pentecost, the “birthday” of the church, but also an occasion to focus on how the Holy Spirit pushes us to stretch farther, and challenges us to see God in everyone.

A Never Ending Story

If Jesus had remained on Earth after the Resurrection, he could have done more great deeds but his story would have ended with his death. Because of the Ascension, his story is ongoing, as is the story of our faith.

My Side of the Story

The parable of the Good Samaritan is about doing good, but it is also about shaking a negative perception of outsiders. We need to see a story from other points of view and see the face of Jesus in everyone.