Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.


Stewardship is about how we use what we have been given – our time, our money, our skills and energy.  We ask ourselves – are we using our gifts in ways that reflect our values?  The answer involves our beliefs about life,  how we live, and our possessions and what we do with them.

People need and want to give to support the church that sustains us, our families, and our broader community. Gratitude is the motive for giving.  Here at MPC, we are defined as something other than as a consumer: here we are valued as unique individuals, loved and accepted by God.  MPC is where we gather to support each other, ‘rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep,’ and then go out into the world in peace, having courage and honoring all people.

How much should I give?

People give in different ways and in different amounts. No dollar amount is right for everyone. Some have asked for help figuring out the level of their monetary support, so we developed the Guidelines for Pledging brochure. It is available in the office and in the Family Room, or from the Stewardship Chair, listed below.

How can I give?

Most people give cash or write checks weekly or monthly and put this offering into the collection plate on Sunday.  Others make an annual gift.  These are relatively straightforward.  But others want to donate marketable securities, give by auto-debit, or make a charitable bequest in their will.  These gifts are all welcome; just contact a member of the committee for details.  We know that members and friends of MPC have many different thoughts and needs around giving, but we all want to support the work of MPC, and the Stewardship Committee facilitates that.

How does this relate to our Capital Campaign?

We have recently completed a Capital Campaign to pay for the cost of an earthquake retrofit to our sanctuary and some general improvements.  It covered almost all of the cost, but left us, for the first time, with a small mortgage. Gifts to help us retire the mortgage early are always welcome.

About the Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee at MPC coordinates the logistics of supporting the church financially. We treat the asking for money more lightly than some other organizations; we understand its importance, but we’re not heavy handed about it. Once a year there’s a pledge drive, asking members to let us know how they will support the church financially in the coming year. We don’t ask members to tithe, but we believe that we live life more fully by giving of ourselves and our resources to organizations we value.

Who can I contact to learn more?

If you have questions about this Committee, stewardship or our Capital Campaign, please contact the Chair, Cynthia Blumgart. Her contact information is available here:  Realm