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Tech Team

This category is used for postings to the MPC Tech Team weblog.

MPC Home Page updates

In the past few weeks, in response to discussions at our Web Survey Follow-up meeting, we’ve been working on a big pile of site improvements… Home page main statement/tagline: One clear message from that meeting was that we should simplify the ‘big statement’ on the home page. Accordingly, we have… shortened the main message considerably removed links from the statement (except for…

Web Survey Discussion Next Steps

We had a wonderful meeting with about 15 respondents to the Web Survey on Sunday, June 5th– lots of participation, careful thinking, great ideas. Linda took copious notes that the Tech Team will review at their next meeting; here’s a summary of the main points: Action Items for the Tech Team make sure the website addresses our two main audiences very well:…

Web Survey Review

In April of 2011, the MPC Tech Team posted a Web Survey and invited the MPC Community to fill it out. We’re happy to report that we received over 50 responses! We’ll be holding a follow-up meeting with folks to who completed the initial survey to discuss their responses and consider the future path of the website. Here are the original survey…