This Sunday (as well as August 11th and 18th), MPC worships at 5 pm, followed by dinner in the courtyard! Rev. Ben celebrates the fullness of humanity with his sermon, “It Takes All Kinds.” We hope you join us, whether in person or online.
This Sunday (as well as August 11th and 18th), MPC worships at 5 pm, followed by dinner in the courtyard! Rev. Ben celebrates the fullness of humanity with his sermon, “It Takes All Kinds.” We hope you join us, whether in person or online.
This weekend Katie will be sharing a sermon about a core feature of Biblical miracle stories that we can be adept at avoiding, choosing instead to focus on an applicable lesson or a story’s symbolism. Please join us in person or online.
This Sunday in Celebration, Rev. Ben preaches on (everyone’s favorite) Psalm 23, with possibly a new wrinkle or two. Please join us in person or online.
Welcome to Montclair Presbyterian Church! Please join us for Democracy Sunday as we celebrate our nation’s anniversary with a service reflecting on civic participation as an act of faith and democracy’s role in carrying out God’s work in the world. Enjoy the music of the Ruling Elders, and a delicious picnic lunch with games, prizes and cake following Celebration! We hope you’ll join us in person or online.
Today is Pride Sunday when we will celebrate all the ways LGBTQ+ folks make our lives and congregations and families and communities happier, healthier, and more joyful.
This week at MPC, Rev. Ben returns to the pulpit to deliver the sermon “Calm Down,” and we will hear music from members of the Pacific Boychoir. We hope you join us in person or online for Celebration!
Welcome to MPC for Celebration! Katie Kilby preaches on Adam and Eve acquiring self-awareness and their attendant sense of shame, linking it in this time of Pride Month to the need to embrace connection and belonging. We hope you join us in person or online.
A special Celebration service comes to MPC this Sunday with the theme “Waging Peace.” We welcome Rabbi Cat Zavis, a social justice activist, attorney, and visionary leader, to deliver a guest sermon. We hope you join us, in person or online.
Friends, join us in person or online as Katie Kilby preaches on Judas’s betrayal and the ways we find meaning in challenging times.
Please join us at MPC in person or online as Rev. Ben preaches on how we might heal our fractured world which seems to be coming apart even more these days.