Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Events (Page 8)

Learn about upcoming and past MPC events via this weblog.

This Sunday: Brahms’ Schicksalslied

shicksalsleid-graphic-for-homepageThis Sunday (June 5th) at 10:00 am, the MPC Choir will present their spring major choral work: a performance of Schicksalslied by Johannes Brahms. Also known as The Song of Destiny, it is considered by many to be his finest choral work. The choir will be joined by members of the Exeter String Quartet, including MPC’s own Rich Larsen. We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a beautiful and stirring musical performance.


GwynethConcert.flyer Gwyneth (Pastor Ben’s sister) is a singer-songwriter who, as an independent musician, has had music make it to the upper-ranks of the American folk music charts. She currently is under contract with a record label and is working on her first commercially-produced label. Joining Gwyneth will be their brother, Morgan Daniel, a talented singer-songwriter in his own right and the luthier that made the guitar’s that Gwyneth and Ben play. Gwyneth also brings her musical partner, David Hayes, who was Van Morrison’s bassist for many years.

Taizé prayer

Taize Candles Small Image Taizé prayer, a form of meditation that is relatively new to MPC but draws on rich years of tradition elsewhere, now takes place monthly. Our next service is Wednesday, March 21st at 7 PM.
In words attributed to St. Francis de Sales, “half an hour’s meditation daily is essential, except when one is very busy. Then a full hour is necessary.” Join us for some spiritual refreshment.


THIS SUNDAY IS PENTECOST  PLEASE WEAR RED! This Sunday, May 15th, is Pentecost Sunday, when we celebrate the birth of the early church. We celebrate the story of how the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, and how they transformed from followers into leaders, beginning to share the good news with people of every nation and language. One fun thing about…

Peggy Orenstein “Girls & Sex” Author Talk

Girls and Sex coverOn Thursday, May 12th at 7pm, author Peggy Orenstein will be at MPC discussing her latest book Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape. This book, based on interviews with a wide range of girls and young women, is a challenging and honest examination of the sexual landscape faced by these girls in their teen and college years. We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a thought-provoking and fascinating talk.

Nathaniel Philbrick Author Talk

valiant-ambition-coverOn Wednesday, May 25th at 7pm, bestselling author Nathaniel Philbrick will be at MPC to discuss his new book Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution. Philbrick is the author of several groundbreaking histories, including The Heart of the Sea (which was recently made into a movie by Ron Howard). We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a thought-provoking and fascinating talk.

Plant Sale Coming Soon: April 9th!

Tomato plantWe are excitedly preparing for the Plant Sale on April 9th! We’re working to make this a great and successful event for MPC, just like last year. Click the link below to learn more and to access the Plant Donations page.

Holy Week

palms swiv flickrCome for a family-friendly evening communion service on Maundy Thursday, March 24th at 7 PM (potluck dinner at 6pm). We will also observe the very solemn Good Friday on March 25th at 7 PM by candlelight.

These services help us get ready to approach the joyous mystery of Easter. See you there!