Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Events (Page 16)

Learn about upcoming and past MPC events via this weblog.

Plant Sale Here at MPC (rain or shine)

MPC Plant Sale

Plant Sale, Saturday, April 26th, 10 AM to 3 PM in the Courtyard (rain or shine). There will be over one hundred unique and rare heirloom tomatoes, many succulents, orchids, vines, iris, herbs, lettuce, raspberries, seeds, bulbs, pots, houseplants and much more.

Join Us On Good Friday!


Post Good Friday: Check the Music Samples page to listen to the performance. The full event will soon be posted!

On Good Friday, April 18, at 7pm, the Montclair Presbyterian Church Choir and Montclair Chamber Orchestra will present a performance of the Requiem by Maurice Duruflé. Written in 1946, Duruflé’s Requiem has become one of the most beloved masterworks of choral music.

Coming This Sunday, April 6, 2014

This Sunday will mark the first time our new pastor will preside at the sacrament of Holy Communion at Montclair Presbyterian Church. Ours is a congregation that thinks of itself as a family and the Lord’s Supper is meant to be for us a family meal.

The Great In-Between Time

change-is-the-essence-of-life-be-willing-to-surrender-what-you-areJoin us this Sunday, March 16th at 10:00 a.m. for a great service of Celebration to be led by parish associate, the Rev. Kathy Ray. The congregation will also celebrate the ordination of four new elders to the church Session: Amy Bess, Sue Davies, Betsy King, and Anna Santos. Anna will grace the service by singing
“How Great Thou Art”. Then plan to be present in Celebration on March 23rd to welcome the Rev. Ben Daniel as the next pastor for Montclair Presbyterian Church. Hooray!

Children of Uganda performance

2014 Children of Uganda Tour of Light PosterOn Sunday, March 9th, Children of Uganda’s Tour Of Light dance troupe will join us — singing, drumming, dancing, and sharing East African culture through stories and songs. The organization benefits orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda, and this tour is their program of outreach to meet new people, raising both funds and awareness.

Worry: Warts and All

Worry_dollsWorry and anxiety are two of the spiritual plagues of humanity that persist since ancient times. While our current age may also have pharmacological solutions to extreme anxiety, most of us could benefit from a spiritual approach too. What spiritual practices are helpful to you when you are worried or anxious? See you in Celebration this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. as we explore this topic using Matthew 6:24-34 AND we’ll have a special musical Time with the Children created by our MPC choir! Stay afterward for the Pancake Brunch hosted by youth…