Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Events (Page 12)

Learn about upcoming and past MPC events via this weblog.

Fall Kickoff — "The Future" — is this Sunday!

mpc-future-2Fall Kickoff, the ‘official’ start to a new year at MPC, is Sunday, Sept 13th after celebration. The theme is The Future, and we’ll be doing all kinds of forward-looking things, including collecting items for an MPC Time Capsule. We’ll also be enjoying each other’s company — and each other’s food, since Kickoff is a potluck.

Sunday Celebration: Back to 10am in Sept

4.8.2015 Easter SundayJust a reminderL we will resume our 10:00am Celebration services in September. Make sure to mark your calendars for 10:00 service starting Sunday, September 6th. This will be a great service — we will even have the Barrelhouse Jazz Band with us. Hope to see you there, nice and early.

August Barbecue Sunday Nights

August Sundays Banner SmallMontclair Presbyterian Church invites you to join our joyful worship at 5 p.m. followed by a tasty BBQ, each Sunday in August. First, we’ll celebrate, contemplate, and sing (loudly!), then dig into delectable savories and sweets sponsored by our church family. Bring veggies or fruit from your garden to share, and definitely bring your kids…

Hiring a Godly Play Teacher

 wondering togetherThis spring, the Session of MPC decided to approve the hiring of a part-time Godly Play teacher to work with our team of talented volunteer teachers and with Associate Pastor, Talitha G. Phillips. The decision made in April was dependent on funding. Now that we have a budget approved for the 2015-2016 fiscal year…

Vanessa Diffenbaugh Author Talk

vanessa-diffenbaugh-300On Thursday, August 20th at 7pm, Vanessa Diffenbaugh (author of the New York Times bestseller The Language of Flowers) will visit MPC and discuss her new book We Never Asked For Wings. We hope that you’ll be able to join us for what is sure to be a fascinating evening.

Communion Sunday

Communion sundayJoin us this Sunday, March 1st, for Communion. Celebration will be at 10:00 am in the sanctuary.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper as the “joyful feast of the people of God” …

Carolina De Robertis Author Talk

Gods of Tango book coverOn Tuesday, July 7th at 7pm, award-winning author Carolina De Robertis will visit MPC and discuss her new book The Gods of Tango. We hope that you’ll be able to join us for what is sure to be a fascinating evening — and not just because the event will feature a performance by expert tango dancers!

Join Us for Pentecost Sunday!

The joyful holiday often called “the birthday of the church,” Pentecost is this Sunday May 24th! On it we celebrate the Holy Spirit’s presence in and among us, uniting all nations and all peoples on earth.

Diaper Drive continues

This Mother’s Day the youth group is doing something for moms in need. Did you know that diapers aren’t covered by SNAP or WIC, and that having a supply of disposable diapers can make the difference between a child attending daycare or being stuck at home with a parent who therefore can’t work?