Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by Steve (Page 15)

Celebration Worship Service, June 14th

It’s hard to believe it, but we have reached the middle of June, which means 2020 is almost half gone; it also means we are halfway through Pride month. This week we will be observing Pride in celebration and I’m glad we are. There is a lot going on in the world right now—a pandemic, an up-swell of voices proclaiming #BlackLivesMatter and…

Celebration Worship Service, June 7th

What a week it has been. Please join us for online Celebration to reflect, mourn, pray, and hope together. This is a communion Sunday, so we will invite you to bring your own bread and cup to the table; you may partake of it during the youtube service, or, if you prefer to break bread in community, save it for the zoom…

Celebration Worship Service, May 31st

We have made it through the season of Eastertide in social isolation and now Pentecost is here. I love the holy day of Pentecost, and I think we have put together a really wonderful online celebration for this year’s rather nontraditional celebration of the Christian Church’s birthday. You can submit comments and prayer requests via our Comments Form at . We’d love to…

Celebration Worship Service, May 24th

As we head into a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend and our hearts long for the gatherings, parties, and remembrance ceremonies of previous years, we hope you will join us for church online. Our new ritual is to gather on Sunday mornings on YouTube for worship, and zoom for coffee hour.  You can submit comments and prayer requests via our Comments Form at .…

Celebration Worship Service, May 17th

 On Friday, the celebration committee met to start brainstorming around what it might look like for us to gather in person for celebration once the county allows us to do so. We had lots of good ideas—from meeting out of doors, to making use of several rooms on a Sunday—but really we have no idea what will happen because we don’t know…

Celebration Worship Service, May 10th

As shelter-in-place orders have kept us from worshiping in the MPC sanctuary for Sunday Celebrations, I have made it a personal goal never to film a video for online celebrations from the same place in my house. Recently I invested in a powerful light that makes it possible for me to film in front of windows, but still, I’m running out of locations in my house and yard…

Celebration Worship Service, May 3rd

It is hard to imagine it, but this is our eighth online celebration, and while I cannot say I feel as if the process is getting easier, I can say that we’re getting better at making it happen. I appreciate all of your patience, support, and feedback along the way.

Celebration Worship Service, April 26th

Dear Church Family, Welcome to this week’s online celebration. A big thanks to everyone whose talents and time have gone into creating this. We pray that it may inspire, comfort, and uplift your spirits during this season of Easter, when we look for signs of new life in a suffering world. Please join us for coffee hour at 11, as well, if…

Celebration Worship Service, April 19th

Greetings to you! It is hard to believe, but this week’s online celebration is the sixth such celebration that we’ve done since precautions around the spread of COVID-19 kept us from worshiping together on March 15. We are learning and experimenting, and your ongoing feedback is helping us to make these video celebrations better each week.  This week is “Doubting Thomas Sunday”,…

Easter Service, April 12th

We have come to the end of what some observers have called the Lentiest Lent of all Lents. The 40 days that lead up to Easter are usually a season of voluntary asceticism, when we choose if we will give something up, and what we will go without, but this Lent those decisions were made for us, and now the mother of…