Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by Steve (Page 10)

Celebration Worship Service, May 9th

From Rev. Ben – In this week’s service we’ll focus on the work of Stewardship, which is the euphemism Presbyterian use when we talk about fundraising for the church. But while the word “euphemism” often is used pejoratively, in this case “euphemism”, which means “good speech” is actually really appropriate and good, because when we raise money to support the work of…

Celebration Worship Service, May 2nd

From Rev. Ben – This week’s service marks the beginning of what I hope will be our last full month of pre-recorded celebration. Starting in June we will be worshiping in person in the courtyard. More details about that will be available once they are worked out, but if California’s low COVID numbers continue, we should be back together in person soon.…

Celebration Worship Service, April 25th

From Rev. Ben – Like last week, this week’s celebration will have a creation-care focus in honor of Earth Day, and as a way of preparing ourselves for a congregational meeting at 11 AM on Sunday, at which we will vote on actions we can take as a congregation to address climate change. You can submit comments and prayer requests via our…

Celebration Worship Service, April 18th

From Rev. Talitha – Welcome to the first of two Earth Day services. We are still in the joyful season of Easter, and Ben and I both wanted to preach Easter-y ecological sermons, so we have chosen the Sundays before and after Earth Day. I am preaching this week, and Ben is on vacation but will return and preach next week. Thank…

Celebration Worship Service, April 11th

From Rev. Ben – This Sunday is “Doubting Thomas Sunday.” It is called that because each year, on the Sunday after Easter, the Revised Common Lectionary suggests that churches read and consider the story of the Apostle Thomas and his doubts. Because it always has seemed important to me that believers also doubt, this has always seemed like an important Sunday to…

Easter Celebration, April 4th

From Rev. Ben – Happy Easter! While I cannot say I’m happy that we’re having to celebrate Resurrection Sunday on YouTube for the second year in a row, I am glad that you can be a part of this joyful celebration by worshiping online.  You can submit comments and prayer requests via our Comments Form at . We’d love to hear from you!…

Maundy Thursday Worship Service, April 1st

Dear Church Family – Today is Maundy Thursday, the day for one of our Holy Week services.The word “Maundy” comes from the latin “mandatum” or commandment, as tonight is the night Jesus tells his disciples “a new commandment I give you: that you love one another.” We remember the signs of his love: how he washed his disciples feet and shared the…

Celebration Worship Service, March 28th

From Rev. Ben – This week’s service marks Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, the last days before Easter. During Holy Week each year, we have services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, and this year is no different, except that the services will be online. Keep your eyes peeled for emails that will give you links for the Maundy Thursday and…

Celebration Worship Service, March 21st

From Rev. Talitha – Please join us for online celebration this week. We really appreciate knowing that you are out there, connecting with us online in one way or another. This is my third and final sermon in the Matthew 25 series, as we as a church seek to answer the denomination’s call to dismantle structural racism, eradicate systemic poverty, and build…

Celebration Worship Service, March 14th

From Rev. Ben – I’m not sure congratulations are in order, but congratulations anyway: you have survived a complete year—52 weeks—of online celebration. I have a hard time believing that it’s been a full year since I have preached from a pulpit or passed the peace or enjoyed the sound of a congregation singing hymns together. MPC’s re-opening taskforce will be re-convening…