Welcome to Christmas Celebration! We hope you’ll join us in person or online as Noël Moritz and Tara Flanagan lead us in prayers, scripture and song.
Welcome to Christmas Celebration! We hope you’ll join us in person or online as Noël Moritz and Tara Flanagan lead us in prayers, scripture and song.
Welcome to the third Sunday in Advent! Please join us as we enjoy our beloved annual tradition of the Children’s Christmas Pageant: “The Holy Family.” Rev. Ben preaches.
Advent is here! Please help us celebrate our new liturgical year in person or online for music, prayer, and a sermon from Katie Kilby.
As Rev. Ben leads the second installment of our seasonal offsite at Mission San Antonio, please join us for guest preacher Katie Kilby and music from the MPC Choir. And if you’re able to attend in person, enjoy coffee, cookies and conversation at coffee hour following Celebration!
Please join us in person or online as we celebrate Reformation Sunday and soak in blissful tunes from our MPC house band, The Ruling Elders!
Please join us this Sunday in person or online to enjoy a special music performance and hear Ben preach the sermon “Keep Pestering God, She Can Handle It.”
This Sunday at MPC, we celebrate October birthdays, and Rev. Ben preaches on “When Can We Start?”
Welcome to MPC’s final summer Celebration as we gather in person and online to hear Rev. Ben preach on “Read With New Eyes.”
This week in Celebration, Ben will preach on “It All Matters to God,” we’ll celebrate communion, and we’ll hear the fabulous Barrelhouse Jazz Band!
Friends, the guest writer this week is Rob Elia, MPC @Tahoe For over 40 years, the MPC community has gathered at the shores of South Lake Tahoe for a week of camaraderie, campfires, songs, games, and spiritual and personal growth. MPC@Tahoe is one of our most cherished traditions: some of us remember attending MPC’s Family Camp as kids and now look forward…