Friends, join us in person or online as Katie Kilby preaches on Judas’s betrayal and the ways we find meaning in challenging times.
Friends, join us in person or online as Katie Kilby preaches on Judas’s betrayal and the ways we find meaning in challenging times.
Please join us at MPC in person or online as Rev. Ben preaches on the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch, one of his favorites. We hope to see you!
Join us in person or online for Celebration this Sunday, as Rev. Ben draws parallels between eclipse mania and the (mostly American) preoccupation with Jesus’ return and the end of the world!
This week in Celebration, Katie Kilby finds new insights into the “Doubting Thomas” story, and we welcome Rev. Riana Shaw Robinson back to MPC. We hope you join us, whether in person or online.
Welcome to Easter Sunday at MPC! The holiest day on the Christian calendar will be filled with music from the Barrelhouse Jazz Band, an Easter egg hunt for the kids, a communion service, a sermon from Rev. Ben, and so much more. Please join us in person or online!
Please join us in person or online for the 5th Sunday in Lent (and also Mr. Rogers Sunday!) as Katie Kilby delivers a sermon on loving one’s neighbor.
Please join us this morning at Montclair Presbyterian Church as Rev. Ben presents the sermon “Get the Flock Out of Here.” We hope to see you in person or online!
On this first Sunday in Lent, Katie Kilby presents a sermon on Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. Please join us in person or online for Celebration!
This week in Celebration at MPC, Rev. Ben encourages us to be strong and endure–we are stronger than we think! We hope that you join us, in person or online.
Welcome to Montclair Presbyterian Church! We hope you’ll join us tomorrow to learn from Rev. Ben what Eeyore, Polyanna, and Sheryl Sandberg all have in common! Please join in person or online.