Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 91)

Luck or Something More?

When I was 7 years old and living in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, my family belonged to a neighborhood pool complex. Early on summer mornings, when the dew was still clinging to the grass and the temperature of the air was still reasonable, I rode my bike down to the pool for my swimming lesson. One morning in particular, the sky was overcast…

Is God in Control?

Last Sunday evening I went to our junior and senior high youth group. The first 10 years I was a pastor, I had the privilege of leading various youth groups. I have missed hanging out with the youth in the past 10 years! Youth always have different ways of seeing and thinking about the world and God. We tackled a big question…

Ongoing Classes and Discussions

Here are three ongoing thoughtful discussions at MPC:

  • Bible Study
  • Many Faces of God
  • Resurrection Living

Each has a different focus with a goal of encouraging community, growing spiritually and getting to know one another.

Economic Justice For All

The bummer about being a preacher is that I have to pay attention to what I am preaching and sometimes it’s stuff I would rather not think about at all. Take economic justice for example. It’s one thing to preach about making invisible people visible and it’s another thing to think about what I personally would have to do to make that…

Adult Education Spring 2011 Classes

There are thirteen adult education classes scheduled through June, six of which start in February. Join MPC Friends and Family to participate in classes including a lively discussion of the Sermon on the Mount, viewing and discussion of films about food issues, and a study of the relevancy of the Ten Commandments for our lives today.

Book Discussion with Jane Rubey

Join MPC Family member Jane Rubey for a brunch celebrating her book on living with cancer – SURPRISE! I’M STILL HERE!!: Living with Incurable Cancer. The brunch will be held on Sunday, January 23, at 11:30 in the Thornhill Room, and Marge Moser will host Jane for the discussion.

Bolivian Brunch with Jay Gregory

Jay Gregory in BoliviaJay Gregory, the interim Joining Hands Companionship Facilitator, will speak at a brunch on Sunday, January 16th about his experiences in Bolivia. Enjoy Jay’s wonderful photos of Bolivia and tales of what it is like to coordinate the work of the 11 networked member organizations of UMAVIDA, to host a US delegation visit, to work with the Youth Environmental Congress delegates, and to observe the ongoing magic of social movements in Latin American up close and personal.

What Baggage Will You Carry This Year?

Last Sunday in church I lugged a suitcase in to Celebration filled with heavy theological books. While I was talking with the children, I had them feel how heavy it was and then I opened it and pulled out the books that I had titled with things like “anger,” “guilt,” “hurt feelings,” and “the unwillingness to forgive.”