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Posts by adminMpc (Page 89)

The Aftershocks of Grief

This morning as I listened to National Public Radio, I was dismayed to hear of yet another earthquake aftershock in Japan that registered 6.6. A month has passed since the initial quake and tsunami and just when they might be thinking things are settling down, along comes another aftershock and the terror fills them again as it did when it first happened.…

Wandering to Taize

Talitha writes:

Great thanks to the Spiritual Activists committee! Betsy King, Eloise Gilland, Barbara Peters and Jean Gregory worked together to bring the community an experience of Taizé prayer last Wednesday (3/30). It was a quiet, reverent, and peaceful time full of meditative singing and long silence. Many of us found our hearts were opened by the simple time of prayer.

MPC Community has an Additional Resource for Staying in Touch

Hello from Talitha!

I’m usually the person behind the posts that show up on our Facebook page.


This is just a small part of my newly expanded job responsibilities (I changed from 10 hrs/week to 15). I have a long relationship with Facebook – since I was in college, back when you had to be a college student to sign up!


HELLO FAMILY CAMPERS – NEW & EXPERIENCED! The Family Camp committee is hosting an informational brunch at 11:30 am this Sunday, April 3rd, in the Thornhill Room. It will be a time to share stories and to find out more about Family Camp, especially if you’re new to this MPC early summer experience. Family Camp will be from June 19th to June 25th at Camp Richardson Resort, South Lake Tahoe.