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Posts by adminMpc (Page 86)

Is God Really So One-Dimensional?

The church I grew up in was a fundamentalist Presbyterian Church. We heard a great deal about hell and what we had to do to escape it and how we would find ourselves on the fast train down. The three biggies I can remember as a child who was “taught” was that if we drank, smoked or had sex before marriage, we…

Web Survey Discussion Next Steps

We had a wonderful meeting with about 15 respondents to the Web Survey on Sunday, June 5th– lots of participation, careful thinking, great ideas. Linda took copious notes that the Tech Team will review at their next meeting; here’s a summary of the main points: Action Items for the Tech Team make sure the website addresses our two main audiences very well:…

My Problem with Sarah Palin

While I don’t often rant about politics, there are times when I just cannot help myself. Politicians are people, too, and I try to look at them with compassion because I know what’s it like to try to please a group of people who at times all want very different things from me. Politicians are similar to pastors in that their constituency…

'Tis the Season for Graduation!

The first “graduation” I experienced with my children was when our oldest daughter, Emily, “graduated” from pre-school. It was an alternative pre-school so the word “graduation” was never used, but my goodness, there was certainly enough “ceremony” to go around for the day. Pictures had been taken of each child throughout the year and then each family was given the task of…