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Posts by adminMpc (Page 83)

Test of testblog

Here’s a test of testblog.  Seems like this is a good approach to use if committees want their own blogs.  They’ll be able to edit their own blog posts only (but upload images and other media to the media library if they like).

Opening Ourselves to a Different Reality

What is going well for you right now? Where is the good news in your life? What makes you feel like celebrating tonight? As you go through your day, what brings a smile to your face or adds lightness to your step? When you think about all of the things you are “doing” currently, which of those things gives you energy? Sometimes…

Community gathers… around food & farming

On Saturday, August 20th, we’ll spend a fun day volunteering at a farm in Rancho Cordova, learning hands-on about sustainable agriculture. This is an intergenerational event! It was instigated by the youth group’s demand to volunteer on a Real Big Farm… but the invitation is extended to the whole MPC family. Some young families have already signed up. Yes, there’s room for YOU to join us too!

Assisting others with their oxygen masks

Caregiving – taking care of one another – is an important part of family life.  We are all born defenseless and in need of care, and many of us will end our lives in a similar “second childhood” dependent on others to care for us. And with very few exceptions, most of us will spend some of our lives as caregivers. Expectant…

Times They Are A Changin…

This week I am spending time with my step-father. He is in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease and despite a variety of issues that must be very frustrating for him, he is still kind and gentle. He is a reminder that many of us age in the same way we live our lives. If we are no fun to be around…

Celebrating 25 years on the journey

Montclair Presbyterian Church invites all to a special celebration on Sunday, August 7th at 10 AM, followed by a lunch from 12-2. The Rev. Beth Buckingham-Brown (MPC’s interim pastor) and the should-be-Rev. Lisa Larges have been on parallel journeys for 25 years:

What do you love?

iPhones?  facebook? tech-free life? or toys that beep?

knitting? gardening? skateboarding? or trapeze-ing?

fine lace? ripped jeans? sweater vests? or tube tops?

twittering? texting? sending postcards? or visiting?

I’m imagining a large-scale poll, administered by Gallup or the like, that tracks dozens of statements  in the form  “I love____” across ages 1-100.  “I love facebook” would probably spike at the 25-30 range, “I love David Letterman” a decade or two older, “I love xbox” around 15 or so, “I love canasta” certainly in the later generations of the graph. My point being: different generations like different things.