Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 72)

One of the Most Difficult Jobs

How can it be at age 48 that I am already saying, “In my day…” such and such happened?  Alas, I am already old enough that I can reflect back to a different time.  In my day as a parent, the parenting philosophy of the time was that children should be given choices and then shown the natural consequences, both positive and…

Taizé prayer

Taize Candles Small Image Taizé prayer, a form of meditation that is relatively new to MPC but draws on rich years of tradition elsewhere, now takes place monthly. Our next service is Wednesday, March 21st at 7 PM.
In words attributed to St. Francis de Sales, “half an hour’s meditation daily is essential, except when one is very busy. Then a full hour is necessary.” Join us for some spiritual refreshment.

Now is the Time, You are the One

Yesterday I had the privilege of hearing Jeff Clements speak at Montclair Presbyterian Church.  Jeff is a co-founder and general counsel of “Free Speech for People” and the author of “Corporations Are Not People:  Why They Have More Rights Than You Do and What You Can Do About It.”  He talked about a great deal of what is in his book regarding…

A Church on Trial

For the past four days I have been in Texas with the Rev. Dr. Janie Spahr and close to thirty other people traveling with her.  Janie was brought up on charges in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 2006 for having performed marriage ceremonies for same sex couples.  Her case went all the way to the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission of the…

Joining Hands – Boliva Delegation

Bolivian Vicuna
BOLIVIA DELEGATION TO DEPART SOON: Jay Gregory, Jean Norris, and Brad Hestir, our 2012 delegation to Bolivia will be departing in the wee hours of February 21 to meet with our partners in several Bolivian cities. They will be consulting with community leaders, and perhaps government officials concerning issues affecting poverty, health and hunger such as global warming, environmental pollution from mining, just trade, and land grabs.

A Mom with a Shotgun is Like a Church with Fear

A few weeks ago on NPR’s Story Corps, there was a story told by a young man in his early 30’s who grew up in rural Kentucky.  Nathan Hoskins said he knew from an early age that he was gay.  He did all he could to hide it from his mother.  When he was in the sixth grade he met another boy…