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Posts by adminMpc (Page 71)

A Changing Mind is a Good Thing!

This morning as I was drinking my coffee and listening to NPR, I heard a segment on Abraham Lincoln and one of the researchers was talking about how unusual he was as a politician because he was a tried and true “flip-flopper.”  Yes, Abraham Lincoln was one who changed his mind and not just once or twice.  The author of the segment…

The Story of Holy Week

For most people this week is like any other week.  All around us people are waking up, going to school, going to work, buying groceries, running errands, going to meetings, seeing friends, calling family members and sleeping.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that while I walk around during this week aware of and focused on the events of Holy Week and…

Sharing Resources – Changing Lives

One Great Hour of Sharing Logo“One Great Hour of Sharing” is the special offering of the PCUSA which will be collected at our church on Palm Sunday (April 1st) and Easter (April 8th). It brings hope to people in more than eighty countries, including our own. The PCUSA works with international partners to provide sources of clean water and food, small business micro-loans, emergency relief, and advocacy and resettlement for refugees. The offering also supports ministries for disaster preparedness and response.

To All the High School Seniors Waiting

All over the country, high school seniors who have applied to private colleges are waiting to hear what has been decided about the rest of their lives.  At least it seems to feel that way to them.  Four years feels like the rest of their lives at the age of 17 or 18.  They did their part in researching, writing essays and…