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Posts by adminMpc (Page 70)

Turning the Corner

Some days I wonder about nature versus nurture.  Was I born a people pleaser or was there some aspect of the nurturing I received or didn’t receive that resulted in my wanting to please everyone in my life? My parents were divorced when I was two and they both remarried within a year or two.  My siblings and I lived with our…

Major Work: Haydn’s The Creation

Major Work Spring 2012 Nebula smallDuring Celebration on Sunday, May 20th, the MPC Church Choir will take part in a performance of Josef Haydn’s Creation (Part One).  They will be joined by Rita Lilly (soprano), Brian Thorsett (tenor), Robby Stafford (bass) and the Montclair Chamber Orchestra.  Please join us for what is sure to be a stirring performance of an inspiring, dramatic work.

MPC Family Camp

MPC FAMILY CAMP: Registration has begun for MPC’s 35th year at Camp Richardson on the shore of beautiful Lake Tahoe from June (16) 17-23. Details for the morning program are not yet final, but our most immediate deadline is for the cabins. We have tentative holds on Buick, Hallscott, Ford, Jaguar, Mack, Peerless, Marmon, and Dodge, but will have to release our holds in early May.

The 50th Year

A decade ago I was getting ready to turn 40 and I was enthusiastic about the prospect.  My thirties had been a roller coaster of experiences including some mountaintop moments and some deep valley moments.  When I was approaching 40, I felt strong and ready to roll.  For some odd reason I decided that I wanted to do my first-ever triathlon in…

What Motivates You?

Yesterday in church one of the questions I raised in my sermon was what motivates people to be willing to sacrifice or change significant aspects of their lifestyles in order to  live more faithfully regarding a cause.  One of the stories I told was about an article I read in Sunset magazine within the past year about a family of four in…

The Heavens Are Telling

from “The Creation” by Franz Josef Haydn Montclair Presbyterian Church Choir with trio: Deborah Fallehey, soprano; Steve McKiernan, Tenor; Brad Hestir, Bass Marcia Roy, Piano; Kim Rankin conducting

Pasta Dinner

The Annual Pasta Dinner Youth Mission Trip FUNDRAISER will be on Sunday, April 29 from 5:30-7:00pm. This is an excellent event to invite family and friends who might be interested in learning more about our youth ministry program, to hear about the mission trip destination in greater detail (there will be a presentation from 6-6:30), or simply dining in fellowship with good neighbors and happy youth servers.

Getting Real

Last week I was texting with a friend of mine while in the midst of working on the sermon to be preached Sunday.  Many years ago she was in love with a woman who was an alcoholic and the woman eventually died from the disease of alcoholism.  My mother was also an alcoholic so it’s a familiar story for me.  We were…