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Posts by adminMpc (Page 7)

Come Walk With Me

Dear friends, Thank you for your patience as I catch up with myself! I’ve been gone for two weeks and I feel a little bit like one of those kid toys where the body tips over and the round bottom part rolls to catch up and keep balance. My legs (and email responses) are catching up with my brain as I return.…

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?

When I briefly mentioned Hamilton in my sermon I got a lot of comments on that, and I’m glad that so many of you are able to see it while it’s here in SF! As Ben frequently recommends books for your reading pleasure, I’m going to recommend an album to listen to: the Hamilton Mixtape. It could be seen mainly as a…

Simultaneous Easters

I saw my first Easter decorations yesterday and I flinched. Now, how I could have held out this long I don’t quite know — the Easter Peeps have been out in the grocery stores since Ash Wednesday or before — but I must have had some blinders on in the candy aisle. Eleven days out from the holiday itself, I suppose I…

Spring gardening – don’t forget the compost!

Dear Friends, Spring is here! Those of us who enjoy gardening are eagerly getting seeds in the ground, setting up watering systems for the drier days to come, and planning future harvests. Some expert-level gardeners I know are already gathering in their spring crops and bragging about their peas and artichokes on Facebook (show-offs! ;-). And with less enjoyment, but surely plenty…

Youth Group Retreat at Tahoe

Dear Friends, With a huge thanks to our awesome adult advisors, I’m pleased to announce that the youth group had a WONDERFUL retreat at Tahoe this weekend! As I continue to unpack, decompress, and write up my learnings and reminders for next time, my Contact piece will be shorter this week, but here are the highlights. – Despite many misgivings and fears,…

Don’t Forget to Remember

Dear Friends, Are you suffering from amnesia? No, I don’t mean forgetfulness or absent-mindedness, which we’ve all experienced, and which are a common part of the human experience as the years go on. And though some of us have even been through the more dramatic forms of amnesia – with whole chunks erased from our memory – that’s not what I’m talking…

Screen free is the way to be! (one day a week) (for Lent)

Dear Friends, If you’re my friend on social media you may have seen that I am trying a hard thing for Lent. Indeed, for a millennial, perhaps one of the hardest things: I’m going screen-free. No, not for all forty days (I’d die!) but just for Fridays during Lent, which are my day off and theoretically my Sabbath. I chose this discipline…

In sickness and in health

Dear Friends, Ben’s taking off today, and I’m back in the office. This Sunday was the first time I can remember (at least since I’ve had formal church-leadership responsibilities) that I had to call in sick on a Sunday morning. The cold that’s going around had lodged in my head and had just come to the peak of its slow crescendo with…

The mystery of Easter is nearly upon us…

Dear Friends, The Lenten season of solemn preparation for the mystery of Easter is nearly upon us… there’s just one last great gasp of festivity – our Mardi Gras – before we settle down into the season. Next Wednesday (March 1st) as the season begins, I and some other local Presbyterians will be offering ashes at Rockridge Bart station, starting about 7:30…

Youth Group Mission Trip Fundraiser

Congratulations to the Youth Group on their wonderful brunch this Sunday! The pancakes were delicious, the prizes were fun, and the chocolate fountain was very popular with the nursery crowd (see below for photographic evidence). We hit our fundraising goal of $2,000 almost exactly (just $10 over!) and were delighted with the turnout for this fun event. When the youth announced, in…