Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 62)

What's Up With Original Sin?

When I was in college (a liberal arts Christian college, mind you) and then in seminary, it often seemed as if my entire faith was a bit like a house of cards.  As this professor or that professor would challenge the ideas and beliefs that I had innocently made my own because someone had taught them to me, there were times when…

Book Talk: Author Douglas Foster discusses Africa After Mandela

Douglas Foster author photoOn Tuesday, September 18th at 7pm, author and journalist Douglas Foster will be coming to MPC to talk about his new book: After Mandela: The Struggle for Freedom in Post-Apartheid South Africa. The book, the result of five years’ work in South Africa, is an analysis of Mandela’s impact on the region and of what his passing may mean for the entire continent. The presentation will include recordings of interviews of South Africans, a time for Q&A, and the opportunity to buy an autographed copy of the book.

Watch Your Language!

Yesterday in the sermon I preached I told the congregation that I believe the church is in the language business.  We are learning and teaching and striving to live a language of faith.  The reason the church is in the language business is that living a life of faith is not something that comes naturally to us.  The language of faith is…

Tengo Suenos

Rev. Beth reflects on her experiences as a hospice chaplain, connecting them to broader issues raised by today’s readings: why do we gather on Sundays, and how we live out our beliefs in words & actions.


JOIN US FOR JAZZ AND FAMILY SUNDAY! All ages will join together for Celebration and Communion on Sunday for…toe tapping. etc… Rev. Beth will do a short meditation and then lead us in writing our 6 Word Stories.

Two Little Words

One of my pastor friends has been at the same church for almost 20 years.  When he arrived at the church it was experiencing a slow decline.  You would never know when you walk through the doors today!  The church is alive with people of all ages, including the “missing generations” in most churches comprised of those in their 20’s and 30’s. …