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Posts by adminMpc (Page 54)

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

3.20.2013 Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast graphic
Please join us this Sunday following the Palm Sunday Celebration for a Youth Group catered pancake brunch, from 11:15 am- 12:30 pm. Donation cups will be on each table for receiving your free will offerings to help support the youth group summer mission trip.

What Do You Need to Lay Down?

During this season of Lent, our church is focusing on Lamenting.  We have explored a variety of forms and kinds of lament.  We have talked about and experienced the need for lament.  We have examined how when we don’t lament, we often create conflict instead.  Yesterday we participated in personal lament.  We spent time considering how we destroy ourselves and others.  We…

Is it Like Learning How to Draw or Dance?

On Saturday I was at a Women’s Retreat and we started talking about saying “grace” before meals.  Some of the women were remembering how their fathers used to say the prayer at every meal and the prayer was always the same.  Even 40 years later they can remember the rote prayer that was prayed at each meal.  While they are not exactly…