Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 21)

MPC Grief Group

Grief Group
Once a month we have a grief support group here at the church. Many of us have lost loved ones in the past year or more, and rather than keeping our grief to ourselves it is healthy to share it with others who can relate.

Singing a New Song

Have you taken a look at the new purple hymnals? You may have seen Celebration Committee members lending them out to others in Family Hour, or you may have taken the time to attend one of our sing-along sessions after Celebration. We have been in ongoing discussion, both in Session and Celebration Committee, and in the wider congregation, for more than a…

Interfaith Art Exhibit Closes This Weekend With Artist Meet-and-Greet

IAE 2015 ShamseeThis weekend — May 29th thru 31st — is the last weekend to see this year’s Interfaith Art Exhibit. It’s going out in style, however, with an Artist Meet & Greet on Sunday the 31st from 1pm – 4pm. Come to the Islamic Cultural Center this Friday or Saturday for a final chance to view all the beautiful and inspiring artwork (including works by Tom Debley and Carolyn WarmSun!), and on Sunday to meet and hear from the artists.

Presbytery Participation

I promised an ongoing series about the aspects of my job at MPC that will change when I get ordained. And one of these changes has already started – but as we go on, I know the process will continue and accelerate. That is my responsibility for participating in the wider ministry of the church, and particularly in the Presbytery of San…

Join Us for Pentecost Sunday!

The joyful holiday often called “the birthday of the church,” Pentecost is this Sunday May 24th! On it we celebrate the Holy Spirit’s presence in and among us, uniting all nations and all peoples on earth.

Brainstorming An Idea

Friends, I’ve got an idea to share with you. I can’t really say how this idea started or who planted the first seeds of its growth – it seems to have come from many directions simultaneously – but I keep getting those spiritual nudges that seem to indicate its time has come. The idea is to add another weekly gathering into our…