Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Posts by adminMpc (Page 12)

Safe Church, Safe Children

Our church is doing a new thing which we can all be proud of, even though it hasn’t happened yet. We’re still a month or so away, but please, consider yourself invited to puff up your chests and pat one another on the back, because we are running a training to address a very important issue. Not only that, but we are…

We’re all Immigrants

Having recently returned from a trip to Switzerland and France, Rev. Daniel reflects on the value of human diversity and our common status as immigrants. Scripture: Revelation 7: 9-12

Dare to Doubt

Having Rabbi Lerner as a guest preacher this week, we didn’t get to hear this story, but the week after Easter is traditionally Doubting Thomas’ Sunday. It’s a good Sunday to have guest preachers, actually… since the pastors are always exhausted after Holy Week. So, many a seminarian has cut their homiletical teeth, preaching their first sermon ever, on this Guest Preacher…

Spiritual & Political

Guest speaker, Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine and leader of the Network for Spiritual Activists, talks why religion and politics are inseparable among the peoples of the Abrahamic traditions. Scripture: Leviticus 25: 1-24

What do you have in YOUR toolbox?

After our Good Friday service, one of you stopped me with a doozy of a question. What does Jesus’ “dying for our sins” really mean? As we talked, it became clear that to this person, the concept of an atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins was not even a little bit useful, helpful, or spiritually meaningful. If you feel this way,…

Open Your Eyes

On Easter Sunday, Rev. Ben preaches on the importance of not avoiding the world or falling into despair, but instead opening your eyes and hearts to the beauty of a resurrection world.

Plant Sale Coming Soon: April 9th!

Tomato plantWe are excitedly preparing for the Plant Sale on April 9th! We’re working to make this a great and successful event for MPC, just like last year. Click the link below to learn more and to access the Plant Donations page.

Marching to Zion

Rev. Ben Daniel preaches on Palm Sunday about the importance of speaking truth at great personal cost, both in Jesus’ time and in our own tense and dangerous political climate.